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Still trying to find the answer...

Foto van schrijver: Leonie & LeontineLeonie & Leontine

(Leonie) Wow within hours we arrived in London and after a quick ID scan, we headed off for our hotel… we arrived around noon, so … let’s explore. Dropped off our luggage at the hotel #thejudd just 10 minute walk from St Pancras railway station. After finding our way around, grabbing ourselves a bite at a perfect local pub joining in on the Sunday special,...

I must admit that was not an easy one… the subject at hand is not within my field of expertise but let’s give it another shot, because I guess most of us are not experts 🧐 on Carbon Dioxide emission, climate change, fossil fuels and sustainability.

The Thalys to Brussels and the Eurostar to London both use electric power, however, is it green power or it is fossil power? Well in The Netherlands all electric trains are fueled by wind-energy. Asking myself this question I realized that this made it more complicated. And what are we exactly talking about when talking about CO2 emissions… how big is it, what does it look like…

It confused me a lot and it is easy to mix up information, definitions and measures on climate and sustainability, causing misunderstanding and climate-skepticism, which could paralyze us instead of getting up and figure out what we could do to make a change. Is this really an issue? I don’t know. Is it to you? Do you feel responsible for your consumer output? Are you aware of your footprint and handprint? Do you know the difference between them?

More questions popped up and still no answer… this gets boring 😫

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